

Global Impact

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Help for children
The priority area of ​​the Association's activities is providing assistance to refugees with children. This category of refugees has a particularly difficult time in a new country. It is more difficult for them to find housing, work, they need more money for a living wage.
Caring for the interests of children, as the most vulnerable part of society, and at the same time the most adaptive, is a separate and important area of ​​​​activity of the Nansen Passport Association. The Association plans to create a separate area of ​​​​activity for psychological support and adaptation of minors through creativity. Art has no boundaries and is not afraid of language barriers.
By organizing creative laboratories, drawing exhibitions, and visits to museums, we will help refugee children feel more confident and happier in a new environment, set a vector for humanistic knowledge of the world around them and help children feel the joy of creative self-development, friendly coexistence, show them an example of openness to adaptation in a new culture while maintaining their own identity, as a valuable element of the diversity of society and the world.
When providing all types of assistance to the Association, refugees with disabilities have priority rights.
"We must recognize that if the world is to be saved, it will be through the selfless labor and sacrifice of individuals and nations who act not for their own gain but for the common good of mankind." Fridtjof Nansen