

Global Impact

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The principles of the Association are based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Convention, the Helsinki Declaration, as well as common sense and the right of everyone who wants to change their life, to receive support and assistance.
A person is the main value on the planet, everyone deserves respect and has the right to protection from an authoritarian state, its administrative, bureaucratic and punitive institutions.
Any person has the right to choose a place to live in accordance with their concepts of security and respect for their rights and freedoms.
The human right to life is the first point of the Declaration of Human Rights - compliance with this right is not subject to discussion and cannot be violated under any circumstances.
We are opponents of any wars and are militant pacifists. War cannot be a way to resolve conflicts. To resort to murder to resolve a conflict is savagery and political infantilism.
"Humanity has a duty to care for those who have lost their country and have neither food nor shelter. It is our moral duty to extend a helping hand to them." Fridtjof Nansen